mee mee mee :)

let me introduce myself. i'm amee (yes with a double e and yes i know my name's unique - thank you. hehe) and people call me amee, ams, mee, girlie, ging, ga, toots, dot, bardot. i was born in the province of surigao del sur, philippines and studied and lived there till high school at ls-jbs. took up bs in computer engineering in cebu city at usc and worked right after graduation in a cebu-based japanese company. went to-fro japan for 4 years. migrated to canada to search for some professional growth. professional growth my ass! i am damned in this country!! been here almost 3 years and i still haven't got a job that makes use of my brain the way the japanese had used and abused it. so much for complaining of brain drain in my last job, now my brain is empty and dead and boring and is yearning for some new discoveries. *sigh*

a lot of my friends call me bardot. i thought i would lose that as i came here in canada but somehow someday, people knew and just started calling me that name again. i started to have that name way back in college (or university as they call it here) when i became an amateur radio user. bardot was my callsign. i was in third year college and it was my most enjoyable year in college. i had a blast!! so much so that i flunked one of my subjects and barely passed in all the others. i'll write about that life one day here. so anyway, bardot is really a shitty name in my dialect so i just won't tell you it's meaning. i'm 28 years young and still single and available but not really looking. i just broke up with my boyfriend and i am really tired of guys right now. really, aside from getting laid, what more can you get from them? hehe sounds like a scorned woman? don't get me wrong. i'm just taking a break. i have a feeling in 2 weeks i won't be available anymore. in 4 months i won't be single anymore. i can see it in my stars. i can feel it. zzz...zzzzz.... dream on..

so now i'm here in canada and because of boredom, i am having this online journal. at least i get to use my brain other than the usual daydreaming.

back to me, i am currently working in tech support helping american dummies with their internet connection. until i worked here, i didn't know that there were so much dumb americans. hehe..

and oh btw, i had a daughter i delivered at 24 weeks and died 43 days later because of extreme prematurity. grieved and grieved. i'm okay now. i believe some things happen for a greater reason. i believe in destiny yet i also believe we control our fate to whatever destiny we have. and to have this fate may be hard but i know my destiny is a good one. call me optimistic but it's better to hope for a good ending rather than dwell on the bad memories.

oh and btw, i also suffer from lupus. i'm also fine. for now.

hate and love comments anyone? you're welcome.