oh happy days!

it's been awhile since i've been happy. well, i've been smiling and feeling incredible these days so i must be happy! :)

a lot of things has happened since my last post. the last i had was my break-up. well, i'm quite over that now. i say quite as i'm not yet sure if i'm really over him. i'd like to say i am totally over him but that would be fooling myself. cause i'm not really sure if i am. and i'm not gonna deny that. to get over this heartache, i must acknowledge my feelings, whether i like it or not so i won't get confused. so yeah, i'm not yet sure.

i don't hate him anymore. i don't think about him anymore. i don't care about him anymore. and i really don't want to see him anymore. so i guess i'm over him na. so enough about him. i'm moving on with my life. :)