Yes you.

You're a lurker, right?

Only a few of my close friends know about this site. I haven't made this site public yet as my life is still a mess with nothing to be proud of. When I feel like I have crept up from the pit I'm in right now, perhaps I'll go public and will shamelessly plug the site to all the groups I'm affiliated with. In the meantime, I'll stay quiet in this corner with only a few readers, with some like you - a lurker. And since you're just a lurker, I'm sure you think I'm really a neurotic person in real life. Well, partly I am. But what I write here isn't even half of my personality. Not even 5%. So If you're planning to judge me on the basis of what I have written in this blog, please don't. You don't know me. Most of the times, this is just my sounding board to rant about my life that sucks right now. I may write about hating somebody at some point but it doesn't mean that I hate that person after that. Change is a constant thing. Same goes with my feelings. I may hate you right now but give me a couple of minutes and I'll love you back again. Confused? Don't be. That's just the way I am. Perhaps I really am neurotic. Hehe.

Disclaimer: I am writing this blog not to please you. If you're in any way offended by my views and opinions about life, love, men, women, children, The Philippines, daijins and anything I write about, I am not sorry. I repeat, I am not sorry. These are my views and this is my blog and I have the right to post them as I like. I do not answer to you nor to anybody else. If anything is copied for distribution, please give attribution to me, the author, or I'll hunt you wherever you are to pluck your nose hairs or p#$$y hairs whichever is convenient.
