the flame that never goes off

i have always believed in my instinct because most of the times i have always been right with it.

a few weeks ago, i received an email in my rocketmail account from some unknown sender. an unknown email address but the subject gave away information about the sender. right from the subject, i already had an idea from whom it came from. oh wait.. it wasn't only my idea or my instinct, i knew it. i knew who it came from and i was even sure of it.

i didn't mind the email. it was just a forwarded message anyway.

just awhile ago, i checked my yahoo account. it has been ages since i have checked it as i got tired trying what my password is. i just really wanted to open it today as a friend told me she sent me an email into that account. so i tried and actually got through the first password try. *rolling eyes* i only have 4 different passwords to try so i don't know what the heck happened the last time i tried those passwords. computers are really freaky sometimes. anyway, so i got in my inbox and guess what? i got another email from the same email address with the same subject. i thought i would find another forwarded email. to my surprise, he actually made himself known.

the balls of the guy! wow! it didn't take long for him to come back. i thought at least he'd wait a year.

so what do i do now?


i knew it! i knew the last laugh would be mine. *evil grin*